09 November 2010

What Goes Around, Comes Around

Sunday, 7 November

I’m a firm believer that, if you do good for/towards others, good will eventually come to you. A lot of good things have come my way this year, and a number of people have given me some truly amazing opportunities. So I’m always looking for ways to give back.

Being a volunteer pilot for Reach For A Dream was one ‘big’ good deed that I’ve done this year. On Sunday, I completed another good deed; I gave a young man the opportunity to fly in a light aircraft for the first time. A simple act, but one that has left him extremely happy and yearning for another taste of flight.

It's little deeds like those that make a world of difference. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives and problems that it’s nice to reach out and help someone else out every now and then.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Sardyntjie!!!! Keep it up, great ,mature> blog!!! i envy you and your go get 'em attitude, maybe I'll be like that next time round ;-) Tarryn


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